Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Thank god for cheap furniture from Sweden!

IKEA Trip- Last week my dad took us to IKEA to get a few things we didn't have.... no luck on a second sofa, but we did get a cute little kitchen table that fits our house perfect and is durable. We also got a boring coffee table so I decided to start painting a design that I saw as a wallpaper swatch on designerguild.com. That website is pretty much my inspiration for the living room!
I was also really excited to find this matching floor lamp to the baby one I have on my night stand it fits the theme of my India/Asia room perfect!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Great Scotts!

Last night Jessica came out to stay with me for our first weekend (living) in Allston adventure. We ventured out around 11 and despite the rain the bars had some crowds. We started the night at Our House were we drank icky draft beer, then of course headed over to Great Scotts to hang out with a few of the band members from The Televandals. I knew I had to do a post about Great Scots because well since last summer it seems to a bit of an infamous place where many memories were made. Last night was a little dull

but here are my top favorite times at Great Scotts

Aww this is the night we went and saw Lannen Fall I miss those boys I wish they would hurry back from tour soon! E-Rock came out and there is Kimmy and Jess..wow people change a lot in a year!

These are pics from The Trash Killers this past summer! It was fun having all my friends there together> Above is me and my "wingman" Tom.

Friday, September 12, 2008

A new leaf...

23 years is long enough to live in one city it was time for a change! Last weekend I traded in my cute 2 bedroom condo for my new city digs. Unfortunately I couldn't take two very important things with me my pet bunny and my roommate. I am living with my 20 year old fashionista sister while my best friend and partner in crime of 10 years is off to pursue her dream of photography on the West Coast. Here are some pics of the new place before we moved in! I still have so many ideas for decorating!